高齢者や子育て世代などへの生活サービスの充実Substantial life service for the elderly and the child-rearing generation
There is an apparent increase in the elderly population in many residential communities as opposed to a gradual decrease in the child-rearing generation. We aim to create a balance between these two phenomena by building an environment that will arrow the young, elderly, and people with disabilities to be able to matually support each other, for example, through the cooperation of the administration, and medical and child care services.
例えばこのようなご要望にお応えします。Sample Needs
- 夫婦が共働きのため、子供の保育・託児サービスが欲しい。Efficient child care services for parents with double incomes
- 団地のにぎわい創出のために、子供達も一緒に参加できる、イベント・お祭り・しつけ教室・ワークショップ等の企画提案が欲しい。Planning of activities and events, such as festivals, tutorial classes, workshops, etc. that can involve the participation of children, as well as adults
- 団地内商店街の空き店舗を利用し、地域の高齢者や子供たちの見守り活動を行いたい。Use of vacant shops within the housing complex where the elderly can work and watch children
- 団地内の緑地を利用して、野菜づくりをしたい。Production of vegetables using the green environment surrounding the complex